Thursday, October 6, 2011

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A

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“We Serve the Lord by the Way We Live”

A proclamation from the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew (Mt 21:28-32). Glory to you O Lord.

Jesus said to the chief priests and elders of the people: “What is your opinion? A man had two sons. He came to the first and said, ‘Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.’ He said in reply, ‘I will not,’ but afterwards changed his mind and went. The man came to the other son and gave the same order. He said in reply, ‘Yes, sir,’ but did not go. Which of the two did his father’s will?” They answered, “The first.” Jesus said to them, “Amen, I say to you: tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you. When John came to you in the way of righteousness, you did not believe him; but tax collectors and prostitutes did. Yet even when you saw that, you did not later change your minds and believe him.”

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Catechism of the Catholic Church (ccc)

#143. By faith, man completely submits his intellect and his will to God. With his whole being man gives his assent to God the revealer. Sacred Scripture calls this human response to God, the author of revelation, “the obedience of faith”.

#144. To obey (from the Latin ob-audire, to “hear or listen to”) in faith is to submit freely to the word that has been heard, because its truth is guaranteed by God, who is Truth itself. Abraham is the model of such obedience offered us by Sacred Scripture. The Virgin Mary is its most perfect embodiment.

True Life In God Messages

December 6, 1993

I, 'i Panayia'[1] am with you now; daughter, leave Jesus to model you into the image He desires you to be; by offering your will to My Son, Jesus Christ, and by offering yourself entirely you truly please Him and His Will is being done in you; do not be afraid; work with ardour and revive His Church; let His creation realise that the Word is alive and untiringly active; I will, as your Mother, always encourage you to lift the Cross Jesus trusted you with; now write, My daughter:
in these days more than any time I have been giving messages to revive your faith and remind you of heavenly things; I have been continuously calling for Peace and spreading messages for Unity and Reconciliation between brothers; I came from heaven in deep distress and in tears to let you know how distant you were from God; I came to you all to ask you to reconcile with God and with each other and to make no more distinctions between you, "for everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved;"[2] I have never failed anyone;
I came in peace terms, even to the least of you, to proclaim God's Peace, and begged this generation to raise their eyes and search for God and offer sacrifices to God; I came in your days where so many of you were estranged from the life of God; I came to remind you all that a true apostle of God is the one who does the Will of God:

to love is to do the Will of God;

Vassula, I have been sent by God to cure many of you, but My calls have not been honoured nor highly placed; I was sent by the Most High to gather you in large crowds and teach you that love is the essence of all the Law;
My daughter, My Soul is sad because the blessings from heaven are disregarded to this day; failing to recognise the righteousness and the essence of the Message that comes from God, to this day men are trying to promote their own ideas; thus the Word was skilfully withdrawn and My Footsteps concealed by human hand for fear of the lips of the world; if only they had put their hope in Me and trusted Me .... how much more would they have benefited from the conversion of those whom they keep rejecting!... work, little one, for the Lord, and allow Him to engrave on you His entire Plan; the days are coming when these questions will be raised by the Lord to every one of you:
“have you loved your neighbour as yourself? is it possible that you still have not understood God's Will? have you done everything you can to maintain peace? when your enemy was hungry have you offered him to eat from your table? when he was thirsty, have you given him drink? how is it that what you give, you give it without love?”
I have asked you for prayers; many of you pray, but without love; many of you fast, but without love; so many of you speak of My messages, but very few follow them because love is missing in your hearts; you bow low and follow the letter of the Law, but fail to understand the heart of the Law;
many of you talk about unity, yet are first to condemn those who practise it because you have no love; if you practise all that I have been asking you without love, you are still in the dark; you are still for war and not for Peace; you believe you know everything, but in reality you know nothing; when I called out for reconciliation, since you are all parts of one another, I have not been heard; to this day I call out to all of you:

live My messages!

renew yourselves in God, in His Love and learn to love one another; be good and holy! do not lie to yourselves, little children, following illusory desires; LOVE, is to live in the Truth; have you not read that "if you give away all that you possess, piece by piece, and if you even let them take your body to burn it, but are without love, it will do you no good whatever?" have you not understood that if a single one of you is hurt, all parts of the Body of Christ are hurt and suffer with it? if you hurt your neighbour you hurt Christ's Body, not your neighbour; can you say:

“I came to God with reverence, sincerity and love;”

“when?” will He ask you, “when have you come to Me with reverence, sincerity and love? My Body, you have mutilated, I have been judged, treated with insult, calumny, and I have been betrayed by falsehood; I was despised and rejected, utterly disgraced by your lips, so, when have you come to Me with reverence, sincerity and love? I am asking you to give some definitive proof of your love for Me;”
My children, realise now why Satan has taken advantage of your weakness and tempted you to war; Christ has come to you hungry and you gave Him no food; He came to you thirsty and you gave Him no drink; He came to you as a stranger and you did not welcome Him but treated Him as you pleased; My children, your love is not to be merely words on your lips, but something that comes from your heart; your love should be alive and active; I am with you to help you;
I bless you all by saying: let everything you do be done with your heart, in love;

August 4, 1988


I am, flower, do not seek to understand My Ways,[3]  be simple and accept all that comes from Me, I, the Lord have led you into My House, I have led you to see and meet My so beloved servant John-Paul II, dearest soul, you obeyed Me, you trusted Me, you relied on Me, rejoice soul!  for I, your God feel rejoiced! simplicity infatuates Me, obedience rebounds My Sacred Heart for this is The Weapon to fight against the evil one.

Lord, was it correct to place Your letter in the Pope’s sash?

you obeyed Me, let this be as an example of obedience to others, no matter how hard the situation may appear to you, trust Me and obey, I will always help you when I see that you are obeying Me and doing My Will; seek not to understand why I have asked you to do this for Me; remember, that it is I, the Lord who will unite you all under My Name, and it is through My Power that all My desires will be accomplished,
let My Finger stay upon you My child using you in this way, allow Me to leave My veil on you thus keeping you away from evil and becoming elated by all these graces I shed upon you, I your God love you and will never abandon you even in the most critical situations; Love will inspire you, Wisdom loves life, Wisdom bears the Name of Holiness and She is given to all those who obey Me, all instructions descend from Wisdom, trust Me and sow the seeds of Holiness,[4] 
peace upon you, come, remember My Holy Presence, smile at Me;…

Prayer in Time of Purification

Tender Father, lash not Your wrath on this generation, lest they perish altogether;
Lash not on Your flock distress and anguish,
      for the waters will run dry and nature will wither;
all will succumb at Your wrath leaving no trace behind them;
The heat of Your Breath will put aflame the earth turning it into a waste!
From the horizon a star will be seen;
The night will be ravaged and ashes will fall as snow in winter, covering Your people like ghosts;
Take Mercy on us, God, and do not assess us harshly;
Remember the hearts that rejoice in You and You in them!
Remember Your faithful and let not Your Hand fall on us with force,
But, rather in Your Mercy lift us and place Your precepts in every heart. Amen” (28 November 2009)

Ref.:   Catechism of the Catholic Church • True Life In God -, Euchalette, 25 September 2011, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A.

[1] 'Our Lady, Most Holy' in Greek.
[2] Rm. 10:12-13.
[3] This reminded me of the audacious demand made upon Abraham - the sacrifice of his only son.
[4] meaning Wisdom.

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